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Cable Setup Tool

About the cable setup tool in Windows Vista

In Windows Vista, use by a standard user (user who doesn't have the administrative right) is recommended for better security.
It designs again in software for Vista as operated as the function to need the administrative right is narrowed, and the administrative right doesn't exist as much as possible for that.
When LAN is set in our package, the administrative right is needed. When starting, the administrative right was always indispensable because LAN setting and other setting (E-mail/browser setting) processing had combined in our package. However, there is no necessity of the manager authority in the parts (E-mail/browser setting) other than LAN setting.
Then, LAN setting and E-mail/browser's setting is separated, and shape to call each function from the prepared main menu is recommended separately in Cable Setup Tool for Windows Vista. It is shape to select LAN setting and E-mail/browser's setting sequentially according to the function that wants to be set as the operation authority (password prepared for the authority promotion).
Actually, E-mail/browser setting when separating becomes E-mail/Browser Setup Tool. Because E-mail/Browser Setup Tool works even if there is no administrative right, even a standard user comes to be able to set the e-mail software and a browser.
(When a standard user executes LAN setting, the manager password for the authority promotion is demanded with the alert message. LAN setting is possible by putting the password.)
It becomes shape to call E-mail/browser setting tool and tool only that sets it by LAN from an integrated menu sequentially.


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